Acoustic Panel with Fabric
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Acoustics, noise and vibration control products
P.K Building Acoustics is an acoustic panel raped with sound transparent fabrics, filled with innovative, echo friendly, polyester fiber acoustic slabs. It is specifically designed to achieve maximum sound absorption at specific acoustic range band. Upon request we can determine the sound absorption index (as) according to ISO 354.2003 and ISO 11654.1997 for most types of our acoustic panels. Indicative practical sound absorption coefficient (ap), and Weighted sound absorption coefficient (aw) can be found in the following table: Design and Production according to International Stardard ISO 9001.2008.
Depending on the requirements of each application and in order to achieve wide range frequency absorption a combination of different sound absorptive materials can be applied.
Acoustic panels, PK Buiding Acoustic can be easily placed on the wall with their advanced hanging system at the back of the panel. They can be hanged from the ceiling from adjustable cable, horizontally and vertically (baffles).
They are available with different external covering depending on the aesthetics of each project.
The most common is the special sound transparent fabric. The fabrics used are of high endurance and of excellent quality. They are available in various colors and can be also with self extinguished characteristics.
For high demand project can be used the high technology printed acoustic textile with unlimited color and image realizations.